terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009

Strange creatures of the island ... estranhas criaturas da ilha

This photos were taken in a very interesting restaurant in the north of Florianopolis, in Sambaqui, a beach facing the continent. It is decorated with a lot of creatures from Florianopolis folklore, as the witch and others (Maricota, Bernuncia, Boi-de-mamao) which in other oportunity i´ll explain here. The restaurant, called Recanto Restinga, is specialized in seafood and has a wonderful view, besides the great musician that usually is there playing songs inspired in Florianopolis´ culture.

Estas fotos foram tiradas num restaurante muito interessante no norte de Florianopolis, em Sambaqui, uma praia voltada para o continente. Foi decorado com algumas criaturas do folclore de Floripa, como a bruxa e outros (Maricota, Bernuncia, Boi-de-mamao) que em outra oportunidade vou explicar melhor. O restaurante, chamado Recanto Restinga, e especializado em frutos do mar e tem uma linda vista, alem de um excelente musico que geralmente toca cançoes inspiradas na cultura de Florianopolis.

17 comentários:

  1. In the first photo > she looks like a happy, nice witch! Hope she didn't cast a spell on you!

  2. Looks like a fabulous place. Must be interesting around Halloween.

  3. Looks like a good place to eat good and have a laugh with these "mythical characters". It is a good idea to be spread in other cities.

  4. She doesn't scare me! I used to teach school!

  5. What a view - and what an interesting restaurant.

  6. Great figures, would love to sit in that restaurant. The first one seems to be the witch fromt he fairytale "Snow White", where she hands the apple to the girl that falls in deep sleep.

  7. Very strange and interesting restaurant.

    Isn't that first witch the one in Walt Disney's version of Snow White? She used to give me nightmares when I was a kid!

  8. yes people, i guess the witch is that on from Snow White, maybe they put it because the witches are caracters of folklore here.

  9. Just found your blog, nice set of photos.

  10. Paty, your blog is fantastic! Before visiting it, I didn't even know Florianopolis existed.

    There is an article about it in French:

    Thank you very much for visiting my blog.

  11. I love the folkart! I have a collection myself, so it is very appealing to me! I love Dostoievski´s too.. Good for you!

  12. What an interesting restaurant with many reasons to take photographs.

  13. I recommend this place, the curious creatures,the view....., all is very nice.
