quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009

Gulls flight ... o vôo das gaivotas

Sorry to put so many photos of seagulls ... but I took a lot, it´s so unfair not posting them...

Desculpem-me colocar tantas fotos de gaivotas... mas eu tirei tantas que é injusto não colocá-las aqui.

9 comentários:

  1. They sure were interested in you and the camera. They made great subjects for your photos. Great series.

  2. I like the gulls, but I like the backgrounds, too; especially the boats, and very especially, the boat in the first photo!

    Nice colors!

  3. Cool captures - Seagulls are tough to get - they move fast in flight. I like these shots

  4. I like the middle shot with the gull coming in to land.

  5. I love-hate them: they are beautiful to see and to photograph but dangerous when they 'target' you...

  6. Beautiful shots! My "action" photos of gulls never pan out!

  7. I love the third photo! Nice composed shot. and the bird looks graceful in flight.

  8. Great captures! Nunca é demais vê-las em pleno vôo!
