segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

More gull scenes ... mais gaivotas

Those pictures were taken last sunday, at Barra da Lagoa. There were a lot of seagulls because of the fisihing activity that day. Good for me! I had opportunity of taking a lot of photos!

Estas fotos foram tiradas no último domingo, na Barra da Lagoa. Haviam muitas gaivotas por causa da pescaria daquele dia. Bom para mim, que pude bater muitas fotos!

7 comentários:

  1. I like seagulls too – when we were in Florida on the beach we would bring some bread and they would fly all around us. Your pictures are quite sharp.

  2. Paty
    Obrigado pelos comentários,já voltei de férias,tenho novidades se quizeres ver !

  3. These photos are for the birds, Paty! ;-)

    In a good way, of course! I love to photograph gulls because they are so often willing to pose for you.

  4. on the 3rd picture, this seagull seems to be enjoying its bath...^-^
    the last time i saw seagulls was when we were in the states... sad to say i couldn't find one in my own country...

  5. As gaivotas são uns bichos tão engraçados. Gosto mesmo.

  6. This seagull is really photogenic. Probably he/she has experience with posing :)

  7. Slightly different from ours, same attitude!
