sábado, 31 de outubro de 2009

Colorful nets ... tarrafas coloridas

We´re having an amazing holiday this weekend, which begun yesterday with the day of the public servants, and finishes monday with the All Soul´s day. The wheather forecast of sunny days is confirming until now. Today we went to Barra da Lagoa beach. This picture shows some colorful boats and nets in Barra da Lagoa´s tidewater channel.
Está sendo um feriado perfeito este fim de semana, que começou ontem com o dia do funcionário público (transferido do dia 28) e que terminará na segunda-feira com o dia de Finados. A previsão de dias ensolarados se confirmou até agora. Hoje fomos para a Barra da Lagoa. A foto mostra o colorido de redes e barcos no canal da Barra.

5 comentários:

  1. dia do funcionário público??? Are you serious? In France, we have many public servants jokes, about them being lazy and overpaid. And in Brazil, you have a public holiday for them... C'est le monde a l'envers!

  2. Happy holiday! Those houses in the hills look gorgeous!

  3. Public servants have their own day! I'm a public servant, I want that here. Lovely shot, beautiful colours.

  4. very nice image with color and leading the eye upwards to the hills

  5. What a wonderful fishing village photo! Warm regards
